
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We are also expanding our Children's Ministry Program.  In 2019 we had a Passover Supper on Maundy Thursday; Sunrise Service with Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning; helped with the Camp Maranatha Pancake Breakfast;  sent many students to Camp Maranatha ; Western Round-up / VBS Pre-registration Event; Yee-Haw VBS; decorated for the Senior Adult Breakfast; had Ice Cream Bible Lessons;  joined the Youth on a trip to the Pumpkin Patch and held a Parent's Night Out Event.  

We are excited that we began using Grow Curriculum in our Jr. Church Program in 2020 for children ages Kindergarten to 5th grade.   We hope you can join us!

Sunday School Classes are held at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays with classes
available for children from birth to 5th grade.

See how well you know your Books of the Bible by playing this game.  Play with family and friends for more fun!

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am - 9:45 am

Sunday School classes are available for children in Kindergarten - 5th Grade. 

10:00 am  - 11:15 am

Children begin their Sunday Morning Worship in the sanctuary with our congregation.  Kindergarten through 5th Grade students are dismissed to our Grow Kids Ministry prior to the morning special and sermon.

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